Saturday, 19 July 2014

Day 9, Saturday July 19

Want to make mention that this is the 3rd time I have written this blog- Day 9. I have absolutely no idea where my 10,000 word blog went. I will attempt to write this blog again but a shorter condensed version. Ralf is sitting up with me until I finish it. As you have probably guessed, Ralf has completed his bike tour hours ago. I'm 'walking on egg shells' as I type this. Megan had advised me to do blog on notepad so as not to lose it but we see how that turned out. So I'm doing blog the way I've done the other ones. Enough said ...
To get to Confederation Bridge from the Little Shemogue Inn you turn left out of laneway and cycle/ drive for 20k. 10k was gravel. Marko  said you will see the bridge the entire way. No cyclists or pedestrians permitted on bridge so Ralf had to put bike and himself in car . It was a 13k drive across Confederation Bridge and then just 50k to Charlottetown. I dropped Ralf off at the gas station just as you drove off the bridge. They had an antiquated car wash there so I thought my car could use some sprucing up. The suction was so strong going through the drying cycle it almost ripped my (r) windshield wiper off. I thought I'd have to use the duct tape I brought.
This was the hardest cycle for Ralf. It was nothing but up hill and down hills for 50k. But to call them hills is an understatement. It reminded me of cycling in Vermont. At least when Ralf was cycling the Appalachian mountains it levelled out on top before it went down. In PEI when you reached the top , you're heading down before you blink. Cycling through NB Ralf would have me meet him with water every 20k. It started out that way in PEI but Ralf  quickly requested the water breaks at 15k then 10k .
PEI is so beautiful, so lush- so not New Brunswick.
When we reached Charlottetown it was so disappointing. No sign saying  'Welome to Charlottetown'. We needed to stand beside something for photo - op. We met at Tim Hortons to map out another location to end our journey. We are booked at the Rodd Hotel in downtown Charlottetown. So we thought we would make that our final stop and spot for photo - op. So Ralf got back on his bike, I in my clean, shiny car and off we drove to end Ralf's Ride at the Rodd Hotel.
Ralf and I are going to start our vacation tonight with a lobster dinner and some bubbly. Then tour PEI with Ralf IN car for a day, spend 2 days in Bar Harbour, 2 days in Kennebunkport and make our way back home stopping in Kingston briefly.
Will blog later when I have final amount raised for the new Brampton Hospital and give advice for next (: and last :) cycle. FYI, Ralf plans to cycle from Vancouver to Calgary so that by his 65th he will have cycled across Canada.
Once again Ralf is fast asleep and I am burning the midnight oil writing this. I am so not a night person so going to turn in.
                                          "Good night John boy"

Approaching Confederation Bridge

Driving over Confederation Bridge 

Almost lost windshield wiper in PEI car wash 

Yay we made it!! 

Rodd Hotel in Charlottetown 

Before and after map...


  1. Your travel-blog was excellent, Val. Enjoyed reading about the whole adventure. It is nice that you are ending your trip with some sight-seeing and fine food.

    A large congratulations to Ralf - and, hell, to the both of you. Looking forward to seeing you guys for some summer euchre. Cheers and ciao, Rob - and Heather too.

  2. Scratch that one off the bucket list. Way to go Ralf!
